Tuesday, June 27, 2023

How to get more sign ups


I am often asked how I get sign ups, so the following, are a list of sites, that work for me.

Traffic ad bar

Join, add your site, and surf 25 sites a day, you will soon get new members with it.

Join here

Text ads.

Post once a day with these sites, more if you upgrade, but you don't need to.

Go here

Paid to click sites

A great place to advertise for free, click some ads, get free money, which you can part use, to advertise, or use their bonus free advertising. Make sure, you allocate credits to the ads, or no one will get to see them. 

Invest in clix


Ads Pay Day.

Paid means

Very cheap, and excellent webmaster. Traffic, for $6 a month, just give Frank your url, and he will promote your site on hundreds if not thousands of sites all over the net, plus he has an affiliate part to his site, where you can earn 50% commission each week in sales.

He is a really nice guy, you won't get better than him.

Join here.

If you need any help, give us a yell.



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Free money, from 30 minutes work a day


I have updated my free money section, it will take you just 30 minutes work a day, to build a regular income online.

Check it out here.



Tuesday, June 20, 2023

[Lesson] My experience with goal writing


First of all, Paid View Point pays, its only a fiver a month, but it only takes 5 minutes to do each day, that's easy done. You can join here.

Here is the latest teaching from Leads Leap.

In my mid 20s, I was obsessed with the power of the subconscious mind.

I read many books and attended several seminars learning how to unleash the power of the subconscious mind.

One of the methods I've learnt was to write down my goals.

I did that.

I listed down the things you wanted to achieve in a notebook. I wrote down how much I wanted to earn every month, what car I wanted to drive, what house I wanted to live in.

After that, I totally forgot about it.

Few years later, I found the book when I moved house.

I was amazed that I had achieved all the things listed in it.

I literally had shivers down my spine when I saw it. I had been my own fortune teller!

Goal writing is not just for planning, it is a way to impress upon the subconscious mind, which has the power to bring us what we want.

There are some techniques in goal writing.

1. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. For example, I earn $10000 a month, I live in a 4 bedroom condominium, etc.

2. The goal you write down should resonate with you. If you write 'I earn one million dollars a month' but you can't really resonate with it, it will just instill doubt in you.

The language of your subconscious mind is image and emotion. If you instill doubt, it will return you with doubt.

Give it a try. Write down the goals that resonate with you on a piece of paper and keep it. Then let go and work towards the goals.

Don't be surprised when it works. ;)

To your success,

I write down goals every day, they keep me motivated.

Want more teachings from Lead Leap, and leads, please join here.



Sunday, June 11, 2023

Another sale


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

New text ad


I have added a text ad, to my list of text ads, feel free to join and use.

Check it out here.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

[Lesson] How to make a business grow consistently

 Let's start with how to make a business grow easily.

The secret of making a business grow easily is to make it go viral.

For example, restaurateurs strive to give you a unique dining experience, so that you will take photo and share it in the social media.

That's a typical viral marketing strategy that you can see often nowadays, across the retail and service industry.

But that is not good enough.

If you can take viral marketing to the next level, you will be able to grow your business consistently.

How do you do that?

The idea is to design your business such that your users promote your business without actually promoting it.

Let's take Google as a case study.

Google doesn't really need to promote itself because its users are doing that, for free.

For example, Gmail is probably Google's best viral marketing tool. Everyone using Gmail is indirectly promoting Google. The brand name of Google will be known for generations!

Another example is Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is a great tool for webmasters, but why is Google giving it free?

Because it is a great way to bring webmasters from all over the world for free. These webmasters are Google's potential advertisers. I am not surprised everyone who uses Google Analytics may eventually end up buying some Google Adwords!

To be frank with you, LeadsLeap does the same thing.

We create free tools for internet marketers. When they use our free tools, they are indirectly promoting LeadsLeap.

The more users we have, the more promotion we get automatically, and the more new users we will get in return.

Can you see the viral effect?

It all happen automatically.

Many marketers depend on advertising as the main traffic source.

Advertising is good, but if you only depend on advertising to get traffic, the cost of acquiring a customer will be very high.

You can make advertising much cheaper if your users can promote your business simply by using your products/services.

Imagine every customer your advertisement bring in can eventually bring you 10 more customers, directly or indirectly, the advertising cost of acquiring a customer will be reduced by 10 times!

So, if you want to build a business that grows easily and consistently, be sure to answer this question:

"How do I make my users promote my business without them having to promote it at all."

To your success,

Sunday, June 4, 2023

First ez clix sale


I have made my first EZ clix sale hurray, its $3, which doesn't sound much, but its monthly, so will build up.

EZ clix is autopilot traffic platform, just plugging your traffic, and build your downline on auto.

Join here today.


PS swap

 Hello Do you use PS in your emails, why not swap ads with someone, then they get more people to their ads, and vise versa. Miriam