This is an easy site, to build a regular income, with minimum work, but twinned with a lottery site, that you can't pour money into, its as if you are playing it.
First join this site here.
If you go through the training, it will teach you how to make money on autopilot, using the power of your signature, now hotmail gained million of members, using this trick.
Secondly, join this site here. Now go to the members area, and pick number 3, capture page,
put that on the top right hand tab, called submit link.
Under the important training tab in this program, second line down tab under profile, your link is now added to the rotator.
Under the important training, it teaches you, how to turn your signature into a viral money machine machine, follow the instructions.
Now every time, you send out an email, you are promoting someone elses' site on auto, and they are promoting yours.
With this site, and the Share the Winnings site, your earnings are unlimited, the Share the Lottery site, will build you a down line, and for every person, that joins under you, and wins the lotto, you get 10% of the winnings, the power of joining these two sites together are unlimited.