Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Free text ads to post ads on


The following are free ads sites, you can post on free each day.

Please click on the links below, to get going.

If you would like to have all your promoting on classifieds and texts ads done for you, you can for a monthly fee of $39, which may seem alot, because it is, but you only need 2 sales, for it to be free.

Find out more information here.

Want to learn, the best way to use text ads sites yourself, check out the instructions here.


This one is free, but you can go for the upgrade option to make life easier. Join here, it posts to 600 text ads sites, on autopilot for you.

To get your own text ad sites, please go here, but please note, if you get one, and people get you through you, in order to get paid by Warrior plus, you need to hand over your id, this is not something I would recommend with any site, as you never know, what they will do with your information.


Link a url - Post sites on this site very day, plus recommend some sites, promote this site, to go viral.

Join here.

Submit ads 4 free, - Promote banners, text urls, you name it, they do it, plus your own recommendation page.

Join here.

The rest are post one a day, unless you upgrade, simply scroll to the bottom of the webpage, and post your ads, please read any ads on the way.

Free Traffic System | freetrafficsystem.org

Secure Ads Board (cashnhits.info)

FREE TRAFFIC PLATFORM (cashnhits.info)

Your FREE ADVERTISING starts HERE! (cashnhits.info)

Best Deals Zone (cashnhits.info)

Alan's Ad Corner (cashnhits.info)

Global Advertising (cashnhits.info)

Free Ads For You (cashnhits.info)

Extreme Web Ads (cashnhits.info)

Real SEO Ads (cashnhits.info)

Michael Keep Worldwide Classified Advertising (cashnhits.info)

Ninja Ads | onlinelink.ninja/ninjaads/


Free Ad Boards

Daily Free Ads (cashnhits.info)

I hope these all, help you, to make a lot of money.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Get $500 a month, to click on 10 ads a day


There are many paid to click ads sites online, and you can take forever, to earn anything with them.

With the sites, I am with, you start off low, and build up.

I have not withdrawn any money from these sites, I am very much in test phrase, but I am at the stage, where I earning money through them.

It takes 30 minutes a day to click on the ads, not long really, and the income with them can be unlimited.

I believe, you can earn a regular income from these sites.

I am currently testing these sites, just click on the links below, to open an account, and go from there.

Investor clix

This the highest paying paid to click sites, at $10 a click, but it doesn't happen straight away, you have to build up to you.

This site has excellent customer service, but you have to upgrade, in order to be paid.

This starts off good, and builds up, there is potential for very good income with this one.

This is a scam site.

This has a combination of high and low value ads to click on, with potential to earn more.

Invite your friends and acquaintances, per referral click 10% of click value, get 5% from recharge.

This is a scam site too.

This is the oldest paid to click site on the planet. The customer service is excellent, the amount you get paid per click is dreadful, to say the least, but there are surveys, games etc, to do, to bolster the amount.

I have had numerous people join the site, as its so popular.

I have found another site, that looks good, it pays well, customer service is brilliant, you do have to upgrade, to be paid but they pay well.

Plus they give you a ton of free advertising at  the beginning, Join AdsPayday today.

This is another high paying site, again, you have to upgrade to be paid, and play some games, but admin is brilliant. Join here today.

I was with them before, and I reminded, that they are good, I now use them to advertise, rather than earn, and they bring good results. You  get paid to click 20 ads a day, using the earnings, to bring in referrals for your sites. Join here.

Make serious cash daily.

Earn Over $100 Every Day!

Once you have earned $1 worth of money by clicking on the links, make sure you buy a share with that dollar, this will lock you in, so if you miss a day on clicking, you don't loose money.



Monday, May 1, 2023

How to sharpen your axe.

 Once upon a time, there was a lumberyard in Oregon.

Most of the lumberjacks were college athletes.

All of them were big thanks to football.

And they got even bigger by swinging axes all day long.

One day, the boss announced a competition.

"OK guys, I'm gonna give a bonus of $250 to whoever chops down the most trees today. You'll start at eight, take an hour break for lunch and continue working until five. Tomorrow, I'll announce the winner"

This revved up the boys.

Each one of them began licking his lips, thinking where he'll spend the $250.

Along with the youngsters, there was also Bill - a skinny lumberjack in his sixties.

Nobody paid him much attention.

After all, he couldn't hope to beat the boys.

At eight, everyone begins swinging their axes.

Trees are falling.

Energy is high.

But when 90 minutes went by, Bill got into a shed, came back after 15 minutes and began chopping again.

"Poor old man, he's tired," they laughed.

The chopping continues.

Another 90 minutes went by and, again, Bill did the same thing.

He kept doing so, until five where the competition ended.

The next day, every single guy thought he had won.

The boss comes over and says:

"Congrats Bill, you won by a huge margin. Here are your $250."

Everyone was like "WHAT? How can this be?"

Bill smiled and told them:

"You see, I might be the older here, but I'm also smart. Every 90 minutes, I was sharpening my axe. After all, wasn't it Lincoln who said 'If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 of those hours sharpening my axe'?"

Bill was brilliant.

And you need to adopt the same attitude online.

Most people are muscling their way through, working just hard.

Work smart, not hard.

Join this site today its a business in a box.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Free money anyone?


First of all, thank you, to everyone who joined my site, and posted ads, its very simple, save to favourites, and post a money making site on it each day.

Find out more here.


I am working on a group of free sites, whereby, you click 10 ads a day, and can make money.

I have not made any money with it yet, but Pitverts, has the highest rate per click.

You can also get paid, by referring people

You can join that site here.

Finally, I have had a new Leads Leap, member, as a result of  the ads on my text ad board.

Leads Leap, gives you free viral marketing.

You can join the site here.



Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Free advertising for you


Who doesn't love a bit of free advertising, and now I have my own text advertising site, no need to join anything, just save to favourites, and post each day.

Want to post more than once a day there is a paid membership.

Want your own ad board, like mine, there is a link here, to get your own.

Click here to get posting.



Tuesday, April 18, 2023

[Lesson] The top reason for failure

 What are some of the reasons for failure?

Some say procrastination, some say fear, lack of self confidence, no determination etc.

But to me, the top reason for failure is reluctance to learn.

The market is full of people giving the false idea that one can get rich easily.

How often have you seen sales pitches like 'no technical knowledge required', 'no skill needed', 'turnkey business'?

Gurus always position themselves as an average Joe and if they can make it, so can you.

As a result of all these, many people have the false impression that they can be successful without having to know much.

Let me share with you a story.

I told you that I had an old business partner in my first brick and mortar business. But I didn't tell you that he had a son. Let's call him Tom (not his real name).

Tom and I were working together in my first business, the mind machine business, remember? He was basically a sleeping partner. He was there because he had 50% share in the company (money from his dad).

He wasn't really interested in the business because he thought it was too small.

After the business folded, we split.

He then went to Thailand to do his big business (with financial backing from his dad) while I continued with my small business, as what he called it.

Before he left, he threw me a challenge. He said, "Let's see who make a million dollar first!"

10 years later, I made my first million. He had lost a lot of money in different business ventures.

What's the difference between us?

It is the willingness to learn.

I graduated as a civil engineer. In terms of general knowledge, I knew nothing about success principles, time management and emotion management. In terms of technical skills, I knew nothing about marketing, programming, graphic design, copywriting etc. I picked up all these skills and knowledge after I graduated.

For him, he believed that to make money, he simply had to employ people to work for him.

While I tried to master all the necessary skills to solve my business problems and save money, he outsourced almost everything and simply used money to solve problems.

I can't say what I'm doing is absolutely right, but his reluctance to learn and be a hands-on person had definitely caused his failure.

The more I learn, the more control I have, and the less mistakes I make.

For him, since he was hardly involved in the daily operation of his businesses, his success largely depended on the capabilities of his other business partners, who unfortunately were only interested in siphoning his money into their pockets.

Think about this...

The missing puzzle between where you are and where you want to be is the knowledge to get there. If you have that knowledge, getting there is just a matter of time and hard work.

And guess what, knowledge can be learnt!

To your success,

Sunday, April 16, 2023

You get paid.


What a productive week its been.

 I have been paid by Paid View Point, but not for surveys I've done, for the surveys my downline has done, its the first payment of commission, however, be warned, all is not as it says on the website.

They say, they pay up to $25 for each person, you enrol, when they cash out, but in reality, you get 20% commission, each time they cash out, until that receives $25, so its over time. 

To check out Paid View Point, please go here.

10 ads a day.

I have put together a list of 5 sites, that are free, and when worked to the max, will provide half a million a year, they are free to join, and you have to click on 10 ads a day for 14 days initially to get the $1, then buy the first share and go from there. 

We have a group of people, that work together, to make it work out for all of us.

If  you would like to be part of this, please email me at intoads@gmail.com, thanks.


The new survey sites I am with, is going well, I get regular emails, with surveys, and you get points even if you screen out.

You can join the site here.

Traffic Buddy

You know about, as I launched that last week, but here is a refresher, please click here for details.

My classified ad page

Finally, I have a new traffic site, its a classified ad site, post on your ads on here for free, then come back each day and post more.

Click here for more details.



PS swap

 Hello Do you use PS in your emails, why not swap ads with someone, then they get more people to their ads, and vise versa. Miriam