Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Want to receive other people's lottery winnings?

 We are closing the co-op down on April 1st @ 10 PM EST so that we can get the bill boards up mid April. To participate please click on the ad- co-op button in your back office. The co-op is $100 per share as leads and signups come in thru the advertising they will be distributed equally amongst those in the co-op!

Also the $30 option is now available, the $30 option will be half of everything that the $60 plan offers members at the $30 option will only play in Tuesday night Mega Million drawings where as the $60 plan they play in both Tuesday & Friday nights, commissions are also half then that of the $60 plan, please see the comp plan page for details!

We will be updated pages and videos soon to reflect this other option but it is functional now.

Also don't forget our Thursday night zooms please bring a guest!

@7:30 PM EST every Thursday night!

Below, is a previous webinar, should you wish to watch it.

Here is the url to the site, should you wish to join it.

Thank you.


Monday, March 25, 2024 A big congratulations to all of our winners this week!


I have just received this email:

Winning numbers for 03-22-24 were 3,8,31,35,44,16

Congratulations to everyone who shared in the winnings last night:

Check your back office bank to see your winnings.

Want to know more about the site, please watch this video.

If you would like to join the site, please click below, thank you.

Any questions, feel free to email me, thanks.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

The place to get sign ups!


I joined World Profit, and went for the diamond membership, and within a day, I got  a lead, for web traffic pays, so I am recommending it on.

For web traffic pays, please join below, thank you.

Secondly, I am looking to make some money via Instagram, if you know of a site, that you have been paid by, please email me, and I will check it out, thank you.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

How to use your PS to maximise money.


Are you trying to make money, are you emailing a list on a regular basis?

One way, to get the max out of the email, is to have a PS at the bottom of the email.

You can simply say.

PS. Take a look at this awesome system, that I use today, if you want to promote more than one product, simply use Top Dog rotator, its free to use, and that will give you the opportunity to promote several products at the same time.

This information is courtesy of the click generator.

I hope this helps.


Want to make a million.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Use pop exit


Personally, I don't like pop ups, I am not sure, that anyone does, but they are an effective way of getting autopilot free traffic.

The click generator, suggests this as one of the bonuses on its site, and Leads Leap,  has one you can use for free.

To join The Click Generator, please


To join Leads Leap, please


Monday, March 4, 2024

New leads anyone?


One thing we all need for the sites we are promoting, are people to sign up,
in order to do that, you need leads.

I have discovered a site, that does just that, promote the site, where ever you want to, but not spam obviously, when a lead comes through, share your opportunity.

Finally, here is the most recent Share the winnings webinars, a programmer, will soon, put more in the members area, all in good time, and the $30 upgrade membership comes soon.


Monday, February 26, 2024

How to get free autopilot sign ups.


Many of you have heard of Leads Leap, its a free multiple way, to get free targeted traffic.

To use the site to the max, simply use the ad bar feature, and promote sites, that relate to the site, you are already promoting, want to go further, you can use a rotator, to promote several sites at one time.

Please click on the banner below, for more details.

By promoting the link, you have put together on Leads Leap, you are promoting several sites at the same time.


PS swap

 Hello Do you use PS in your emails, why not swap ads with someone, then they get more people to their ads, and vise versa. Miriam