Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Play and win


A friend of mine, has just a launched a site, where you can play slots for free and win prizes.

Plus if you want to, you can have a site just like this one too.

Join here for more details.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Win, even if you loose


I have discovered a new lottery site, through Build my downline site, whereby, you win the lottery each week, even if you loose, its magical.

Just join for free, check out the website, go for the paid membership, and build on autopilot, through their system and cash out each month. Its a win, win situation.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Sites that pay

 Paid view Point.

1 survey a day, builds up. Plus earn up to $22 per person you refer.

Join here.

Easy cash 4 ads

Gives you unlimited income once you upgrade, and have 2 people that do the same, plus advertise your favourite site, and get lots of how to make money online products for free.

Promote on Facebook or cheat, and use these traffic resources.

Join here.

Traffic Canny

No subscription, test it for  a month, and go from there.

Join here

Promote on autopilot, with subscription, on top sites

Click engine.

Just add your url, and go.

Join now.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

How to manage information overload?

 Do you realize that whenever you learn something new, it is always overwhelming at first?

There is a scientific explanation for this.

Once you understand it, you will have a different perspective on learning new things.

Imagine our brain has many different rooms.

When you learn a new topic, you are simply putting boxes and boxes of information into one room. The end result is the room is stacked with many boxes and very disorganized.

That's when and why we feel overwhelming.

But when we sleep, our brain will automatically reorganize the information and sort them accordingly.

That's when we feel that everything starts to make sense and we start to have a mental image of how things can be done.

That's how our brain works.

If you are new to internet marketing and you feel overwhelmed, now you know, that's normal.

Understanding how our brain works is useful in our daily life.

For example, being a father of three, I always make sure that my kids do not do last minute revision.

Even for simple spelling test, I'll make sure that they learn it at least 2 nights before, so that the brain has at least 2 nights to reorganize.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed, don't fret and don't give up.

After a few slumbers, things will start making sense. You will start to form a mental image of how things can be done.

It's just how the brain works.

To your success,

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Top influencer site


This one is a different to the others, as it doesn't involve surveys, but apparently it does pay.

You need 4 sign ups to be paid.

Join here.



Tuesday, October 24, 2023

[Lesson] Two ways to increase your earnings

 There are only two ways to increase your earnings.

1) Magnify
2) Multiply

Let's talk about magnify first.

For a person who uses time to make money, the way to increase his earning is to magnify his time cost.

For example, a doctor can increase his income by becoming a surgeon, who can command a higher fee. A public speaker can increase his income by charging a higher fee for his seminar.

If you want to increase your income through magnification, the questions to ask is, "How can I charge more for my time?"

Another way is to multiply.

Multiplying your income simply means selling to more people.

For example, having your own affiliate program is a way to multiply your income. A public speaker can also multiply his income by creating online courses or membership. That way he can reach out to more people without exhausting his time.

If you want to increase your income through multiplication, the questions to ask are, "How do I find more customers?", "How can I duplicate my success?"

Magnifying is good, but multiplying is better.


When you magnify, your fee, level of service, responsibility, and the expectation from your customers will also increase. That may eventually increase your stress level.

When you multiply, you are simply selling more.

Nevertheless, in business, we should always think of both ways, i.e. how to magnify and multiply our earnings.

To your success,

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Free money


I have just joined this site its for free money via data entry, and copy and paste tasks.

I will add other free money sites here, as and when I find them.


It takes 5 minutes a day.

Please join here.

PS swap

 Hello Do you use PS in your emails, why not swap ads with someone, then they get more people to their ads, and vise versa. Miriam