Wednesday, April 12, 2023

How to create your very own traffic business


Want to have a full time income, promoting traffic, without much work.


Join Traffic Buddy here. Place an order, the first initial package, is a good one to start with, they take your url, and place it on a rotator, which covers every kind of advertising that there is, a splash page, or optin page, are the best ones to use.

To create your own splash page please go here.

Once you  have joined the site, go to the bottom of the site, 

and click affiliate program, and join here.

Once approved, logging to the site, and go to Combo and traffic tab

Go to any of the ads in the middle of the website, and click on it.

Now your best bet is to promote on safelists and viral mailers. Here are some I did earlier!

Upon joining, simply copy and paste the ads in these sites.

Now for the catch, and if you don't get this right, you don't get paid.

Take the link at the bottom of the ad

And copy that link, then go down to affiliate link at the bottom of the page, and logging to the the affiliate part of the site.

Scroll down to the referral program

Put the link, you copied into that box , and click transform, copy and paste that link, to promote the ad, you want to promote.

They pay 40% commission on all sales, once you reach $50, just contact them, via the contact us button,
at the bottom of the webpage, next to the affiliate program link, and get paid.

Your very own traffic business



Monday, April 10, 2023

New survey added


I have added another survey site to the high paying sites, called Maximiles.

I am finding, that the non screen out sites, don't have as many surveys each week, but they are less annoying.

If you want more surveys, you go for the ones that screen out, and so are more annoying!

Click here to go to the high paying survey sites, on the blog.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

[Lesson] 2 ways to achieve financial freedom

 Before we talk about financial freedom, we first have to talk about Wealth.

What is Wealth?

My definition of Wealth comes from Robert Kiyosaki.

"Wealth is NOT a measurement of how much money you have but how long you can live without working."

In other words, wealth is a measurement of Time, not Money.

Having financial freedom means being able to live infinitely long without working.

There are two ways to achieve financial freedom.

#1 - Make a lot of money, so much that you can't spend it all in your life.

This is the most straight-forward thinking of achieving financial freedom.

It is what most people have in mind.

The question is,

How much is enough?

How long does it take to make those money?

How much effort is needed in the process?

What are the opportunity cost, in terms of health, family etc?

Too many people work too hard to make money, only to realize that they have lost their health and family in the process. When they are old with money, it may be too late.

Fortunately there is another way to achieve financial freedom....

#2 - Make monthly passive income, such that your monthly income is more than your monthly expense.

Let's say your total monthly expenses is $10,000.

If you can generate a passive income of $10,000 from businesses, property rentals, stock dividends and/or bond interest, then you've technically achieved financial freedom.

It may sound difficult because I've set a high target of $10,000. If you start with a target of $1k monthly passive income, it's not that hard to achieve a few hundreds from each of the sources above.

If you can achieve $1k of passive income, achieving $10k is just a matter of scaling up and time.

Like training your body fitness, your financial fitness will improve as you work on it.

Method #2 is more practical and achievable, and you are more likely to achieve financial freedom at a younger age.

If you are quick enough, you may have already noticed that there are two sides of the equation.

One side is your monthly expenses. Another is your monthly passive income.

If your home and car are fully paid for, you may be able to reduce your monthly expense to perhaps $5000. Then you just need $5000 passive income a month to achieve financial freedom.

But bear in mind that using Method #2, there is no permanent financial freedom.

During economic crisis, your passive income is likely to shrink significantly, but your expenses are likely to stay the same.

So it is important to keep a reserve and keep your expenses reasonably low.

Also bear in mind that any form of passive income will still require 'work'.

But this 'work' is not an 8 to 5 job, and ideally, it is something that you love doing.

I regularly ask myself this question:

"What will I do when I retire?"

If my answer is,

"I'll do what I am already doing!"

then I know I am on the right track!

Build a business around what you love doing and work towards building your passive income while keeping your expenses reasonably low. Achieving financial freedom is just a matter of time.

To your success,
For more lessons like this, please to here, now.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023

New survey and tips


I have added a new survey site, and some more tips, on how to make out survey sites.

Click here for more information.


[Lesson] How to make a business grow consistently

 To join the sites, I am promoting here, please click on the coloured words, thank you.

Let's start with how to make a business grow easily.

The secret of making a business grow easily is to make it go viral.

For example, restaurateurs strive to give you a unique dining experience, so that you will take photo and share it in the social media.

That's a typical viral marketing strategy that you can see often nowadays, across the retail and service industry.

But that is not good enough.

If you can take viral marketing to the next level, you will be able to grow your business consistently.

How do you do that?

The idea is to design your business such that your users promote your business without actually promoting it.

Let's take Google as a case study.

Google doesn't really need to promote itself because its users are doing that, for free.

For example, Gmail is probably Google's best viral marketing tool. Everyone using Gmail is indirectly promoting Google. The brand name of Google will be known for generations!

Another example is Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is a great tool for webmasters, but why is Google giving it free?

Because it is a great way to bring webmasters from all over the world for free. These webmasters are Google's potential advertisers. I am not surprised everyone who uses Google Analytics may eventually end up buying some Google Adwords!

To be frank with you, LeadsLeap does the same thing.

We create free tools for internet marketers. When they use our free tools, they are indirectly promoting LeadsLeap.

The more users we have, the more promotion we get automatically, and the more new users we will get in return.

Can you see the viral effect?

It all happen automatically.

Many marketers depend on advertising as the main traffic source.

Advertising is good, but if you only depend on advertising to get traffic, the cost of acquiring a customer will be very high.

You can make advertising much cheaper if your users can promote your business simply by using your products/services.

Imagine every customer your advertisement bring in can eventually bring you 10 more customers, directly or indirectly, the advertising cost of acquiring a customer will be reduced by 10 times!

So, if you want to build a business that grows easily and consistently, be sure to answer this question:

"How do I make my users promote my business without them having to promote it at all."

To your success,

Other viral sites, include

If you need any help feel free to email  me at


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Top tips for completely surveys


I have added some top tips, for maxing out survey sites, to bring you in more income, you will find the details here.


PS swap

 Hello Do you use PS in your emails, why not swap ads with someone, then they get more people to their ads, and vise versa. Miriam