Sunday, February 12, 2023

Don't buy supplements


Here is this weeks, survey weekly round up.

If you have sent me a Facebook Messenger message, and I have not got back to you, feel free to give me a nudge.

I will do my follow ups, tomorrow, with folks this week, who showed an interest or joined the sites I am with, to see how you are getting on.

How as your weekend?

I watched a program this week, about how to boost your immune system, it was very interesting. What I have learnt is, that as long as you have a balanced diet, you don't need any extra vitamins or supplements, in fact, if you do take them, they could do you more harm than good, also check with your doctor before taking them, to make sure, they won't cause any problems with your medication.

A lot of people take supplements, but unless you are on a poor diet, its a waste of money, and anything your body doesn't want, will simply come out in your wee.

First of all to say, if you want to join any of the sites below, the sites with a clickable link, are a different colour to the other text.

This week, I had new people coming in on the usual Neo bux and Pagazani, but there could be a new site on the block soon. I have been recommended a site, that was called Clixsense, and is now called Ysense, I have not done much with it, so if you join, you will be joining, the person, who recommended it to me, which is fine, I hope to be able to recommend it by next weekend.

You can join here, and if its suitable, I will let you know, next weekend.

This week

I continue to learn and help people, and we will grow together.

There is a possible new program, that I may join, its the very big new kid on the block, which is very hyped up, and sadly, people are joining it, thinking, they can make good money as a free member and doing nothing, sadly life is not like that. I contacted admin, to find out more about it, and it does look good, if it works out, I will have free rotator, so we can all make a regular income online, but you will have to work for it.

The admin took a whole month, to answer my email, and I have challenged them over several things, which they have now explained about, watch this space for further news.

Further news.


I got this from Second Splash, by referring 2 people, you can have an unlimited income, and advertising, plus each month, they give you free teaching, what's not to love.

Second splash

I have fully learnt this site, and have new people joining. I promote Leads |Leap through it, as its a great site, for tracking your advertising, plus giving you free ads, and monthly income.

Through Leads Leap, you can also use their ad bar facility for more free ads.

Teaching course

I have put a teaching course together, of bits, I have learned from the different training I have done, if you would like the url to it, do let me know, thanks.

Social media and time out

With social media, you can be on it 24/7, that's not good for you!

I take Friday and Saturday off, each week, it gives me opportunity to reflect and grow.

Why not give it a try?!

Your plan

Those are the times, you can think, about what you have achieved, in the last week, and what want to achieve in the next, and come up with a plan.

You won't make millions over night, and it takes time, but that's a good thing. As you reflect, you take out what doesn't work, and do something else, its trial and error.

Remember, what do you want to achieve, in the immediate, medium and long term.

In time, you will make a full time income, working part time hours, that's what we all want isn't it!?

I hope this has helped, and speak soon.


You are always welcome to send me a Facebook Message, and I am sorry, if I don't reply quickly, I am either resting or asleep.


Survey sites, I recommend

Paid view point

Generally a survey each day, no screen outs.

Refer people on, and get paid $25, when they cash out.

They sometimes, send you emails, when they have surveys, but not always,

so its best to logging each day.

Admin support brilliant. When you are on the site, it message pops up, about sending you notifications, when a new survey comes in, on your computer, if you allow this, you and complete the surveys, you will get paid quicker.

They reward more active members, by increasing the amount you get paid for each survey, so it literally pays to be active there. I get paid, about once a month there. Cash out is $10.

I have been paid by them several times now.

Panel opinion

Get paid even if you are screened out.

Admin helpful

Cash out at $10, done within a few days.

Surveys every day.

Your say pays

There is no referral program with this, but they have regular surveys that you can answer.

Paid Surveys | YourSayPays - Register | Online Surveys for Money

Neobux has surveys, and Paid verts, has games.


I can give you the money making sites, if you would like them.

I look forward to your responses.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Never taught before... Jaw-dropping mailing tactic!

 Here is another way of putting it, now I don't like option forms, they lead to autoresponders, that are mechanical and in personal, so feel free to email me, after adding your details.

The link, shows as a different colour on the webpage.

Darren Olander released a free 

video showing exactly how he shaves off 

90% of the time it takes to normally send 

mails out through safelists and list builders.

I've never seen this done or taught before,

but here it is!

All the best,


P.S. This has nothing to with organization,

automation, or scheduling (even though those

are helpful).. this is a totally unique method 

that makes sending your mails push-button easy 

and lightning fast:

Free Traffic Without Lifting A Finger!

Here are my initial thoughts, plus more on Viral Nugget. Its an ingenious way, to get your ads seen across the net, for free, just click on a few emails a day, and you are done, but Darren, the owner of it explains it better. If you join, and get others to join under you, you can make some good money online.

Please note, the link to click on, to join, is in a different colour, to the other text. 

Working harder doesn't guarantee you 

will make more money...

And neither does working longer.

The truth is: the people who are rich, don't

work nearly as hard as the people making 

minimum wage.

There is a good reason for this.. they

spend their time on things that produce the

most amount of profits with the least amount

of work.

One way to do that is through leverage in 

your business, so you can get more done, and 

more results, from the same amount of effort 

you are already doing.

You need to see this from  Darren Olander 

released, he will share with you 5 tips 

you can copy to do just that.


To your success,

Miriam Potter

P.S. Just a few small changes to your marketing 

and you can start multiplying your visitors, 

signups, and sales:

Monday, February 6, 2023

[Lesson] What niche should I get into?

 One of the most common questions new marketers ask is what niche should I get into?

Most guides you see online will ask you to turn your interest/hobby into a business.

That advice may be right, but there are two problems.

1) Your interest may not be an easily profitable niche.
2) Your interest may change.

I'd say...

Forget about your interest.

You should do business in a niche that is easy to find customers. Not just customers but customers who can refer more customers to you.

Instead of focusing on your interest, find a niche where you can put your natural ability or aptitude into good use.

Interest may change, but your natural ability is not likely to change.

For example, I like to create things since young. That's my natural ability.

After I got into online marketing, I learned programming, which allowed me to create different tools and systems for the home business niche.

I know a successful affiliate marketer who also likes to create things like me.

But his way of using his ability is to create different innovative marketing campaigns and copywriting strategies to generate more affiliate sales.

Same natural ability but different skill sets result in different ways to make money online.

Different people have different natural ability.

Some people are naturally a star. They like to be in the limelight. For them, they can run a webinar business, become a public speaker etc.

Some people are a natural deal maker. They may enjoy striking deals with manufacturers and selling things on Amazon.

There are too many ways to make money online. If you have tried some and still haven't achieved the success that you want, that's because you have not found one that matches your natural ability, or you haven't found the right niche that can let you use your natural ability to make money easily.

To your success,

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Your weekly round up


I was watching a program on the tele, and there was a piece about finding cash in your attic.

We all have things in our attic we don't use any more, why not have a rummage through them, and sell them on Ebay, or similar, and make some good money out of it. They had an old sewing machine, that could be sold for £700, that's a lot of money.

I have had new members, on Neobux, and Pagazani.

If surveys frustrate you, why not try making free money, from the free section on this blog.

This week

I will start to learn Viral Nugget, this is a site, that promotes your text ads, all over the net, for free, and all you have to do, is click on 5 solo ads a day. I will put the text ad block on my blog, and, promote my course through the text ad.

Further news.


I have also been learning Easy cash4 ads. It is a paid service, but once you have your two members, and start a leg on it, your income with them is unlimited, and you get free advertising forever.

It will cost you $10, I believe to get going on it, and then you are good to go. Its a one time payment.

Its also part of Second Splash, as a bonus, plus they have Global Domains as a bonus too, whereby you can get $9K month, but it does cost $10 a month to be a member with them.

Something to work towards!


I have fully learnt this site, and have new people joining. I promote Leads |Leap through it, as its a great site, for tracking your advertising, plus giving you free ads, and monthly income.

Through Leads Leap, you can also use their ad bar facility for more free ads.

Teaching course

I have put a teaching course together, of bits, I have learned from the different training I have done, if you would like the url to it, do let me know, thanks.

Social media and time out

With social media, you can be on it 24/7, that's not good for you!

I take Friday and Saturday off, each week, it gives me opportunity to reflect and grow.

Why not give it a try?!

Your plan

Those are the times, you can think, about what you have achieved, in the last week, and what want to achieve in the next, and come up with a plan.

You won't make millions over night, and it takes time, but that's a good thing. As you reflect, you take out what doesn't work, and do something else, its trial and error.

Remember, what do you want to achieve, in the immediate, medium and long term.

In time, you will make a full time income, working part time hours, that's what we all want isn't it!?

I hope this has helped, and speak soon.


You are always welcome to send me a Facebook Message, and I am sorry, if I don't reply quickly, I am either resting or asleep.


Survey sites, I recommend

Paid view point

Generally a survey each day, no screen outs.

Refer people on, and get paid $25, when they cash out.

They sometimes, send you emails, when they have surveys, but not always,

so its best to logging each day.

Admin support brilliant. When you are on the site, it message pops up, about sending you notifications, when a new survey comes in, on your computer, if you allow this, you and complete the surveys, you will get paid quicker.

They reward more active members, by increasing the amount you get paid for each survey, so it literally pays to be active there. I get paid, about once a month there. Cash out is $10.

I have been paid by them several times now.

Panel opinion

Get paid even if you are screened out.

Admin helpful

Cash out at $10, done within a few days.

Surveys every day.

Your say pays

There is no referral program with this, but they have regular surveys that you can answer.

Paid Surveys | YourSayPays - Register | Online Surveys for Money

Neobux has surveys, and Paid verts, has games.


I  can give you the money making sites, if you would like them.

I look forward to your responses.


Thought for today.

 “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you’re willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” —Lou Holtz


Can you still get rich selling ebooks?

 I often get asked by people I meet when they discover I am an internet marketer the following:

“How can I create one of these businesses where I just sell an eBook and make a million dollars? Or one of those businesses where I just sell something someone else is manufacturing in china and just ship it to them automatically at a high price?”

Well, unfortunately that used to be possible several years ago.

Not today.

There are still businesses out there selling one ebook and making couple of thousand dollars a month. But that has more to do with the owner’s luck than skill.

The market has changed.

It got richer. Wider. Deeper. More sophisticated.

Selling eBooks used to work in 2007.

But there’s good news too.

EBook is just a delivery method. What counts is the information you offer and how it solves your customer’s problem. If you pack the same information into a video course, a podcast or a live seminar – the actual product doesn’t change, but the perceived value does.

This is nice, but I bet you just want me to tell you what works… right?


The best way to get riiiiich right now is to offer other people’s product funnels to your customers.


Because there are tons and tons of people who went through the trouble of creating a product, putting together sophisticated deep sales funnel to sell it, created upsells, decided to put on live seminars, conduct webinars and code gorgeous members areas with content.

They’ve done all that – and they’re now giving you the lion’s share of the profits while only keeping a tiny bit of it.

It’s easy street for you from here.

Nothing to create.

Nothing to build.

Nothing to code.

Nothing to outsource.

Just market the  thing and keep nearly all the money!

PS swap

 Hello Do you use PS in your emails, why not swap ads with someone, then they get more people to their ads, and vise versa. Miriam